Komu pomáháme?
Our mission is to provide help where it is needed, support innovation, talent, and education, protect traditions and communities, and be a pillar of support for those who safeguard our security and freedom.
CSG Nadační fond U Rustonky 714/1 Praha 8, 186 00 IČ: 230 00 791
+420 605 202 700 info@csgfoundation.com
The CSG Foundation is registered in the public registry maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number N 2646. Information about the Foundation Fund and published legal documents can be found on the official website www.justice.cz (Public Register -> Collection of Documents).
CSGM a.s. U Rustonky 714/1 Praha 8, 186 00 IČ: 013 84 694 DIČ: CZ699003219
107-4118670227/0100 (KB) 5220011409/5500 (Raiffeisenbank)
Registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number B 20071. Information about the company and published legal documents can be found on the official website www.justice.cz (Public Register -> Collection of Documents).