Komu pomáháme?
Our mission is to provide help where it is needed, support innovation, talent, and education, protect traditions and communities, and be a pillar of support for those who safeguard our security and freedom.
The mission of volunteer firefighters is challenging. They often intervene in floods, natural disasters, environmental accidents, traffic accidents and other emergencies. They can receive support from the CSG Foundation for their invaluable work.
We support projects that contribute to the operability of firefighting units, whether by purchasing and maintaining equipment or developing the professional, physical or mental preparedness of firefighters. We also contribute to socially beneficial activities: public training and education, firefighting sports, leisure activities and other community events.
When will the Program be launched?
Who can participate in the Program?
How can a project be submitted?
What is the maximum financial support available under the Program?
What can the financial grant from the Program be used for?
Who decides which projects will be supported?
When can I submit my project, and when will I know if it has been approved?
What needs to be done after completing a supported project?
What if I have further questions?